TOTAL POPULATION OF THE DISTRICT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
According to 1998 Population and Housing Census, total population of Layyah district is 1121 thousands persons out of which 579 thousands are males and 542 thousands are females. Density of population in the district is 178 persons per square Kilometre. Percentage break-up of the Rural and Urban population is 87.2 and 12.8 respectively. Tehsil-wise distribution of Urban and Rural population is given in Table. Tehsil-wise distribution of urban & Rural population
The total available labour force (i.e. population 15 years and above, working and looking for work) as per District Census Report of Layyah 1998, in the district is 133 thousand persons. As regards availability of skilled labour, there are 9 technical / commercial / vocational institutions (6 for men and 3 for women) imparting training in various trades e.g. mechanical, electrical, auto-engineering, welding, wood working and commerce. Vocational institutions for women impart training in hand/machine embroidery, stitching and knitting. In all about 595 technicians/artisans/workers are trained every year. Details are given in Table |
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